Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Get My IP With Delphi Programming

Internet this and internet that. Everybody wants to be on the internet nowadays. Everyone wants to program internet nowadays. One of the most interesting tasks when starting to code for the internet is how to obtain the IP address of a computer connected to the internet. IP? TCP? Simply technical: the internet is built on TCP/IP connections. The TCP part describes how two computers set up a connection to each other and transfer data. The IP part primarily deals with how to get a message routed across the internet. Each connected machine has a unique IP address that allows others to figure out a path to any computer around the world wide web (or the world precisely). Uses Winsock To obtain the IP address of the computer you are using when connected to the internet, we need to call some of the API functions *defined* in the Winsock unit. Well create a GetIPFromHost function that calls several Winsock API functions in order to get the IP. Before we can even use WinSock functions, we must have a valid session. This session is created with the WinSock WSAStartup function. At the end of our function, a call to SAC leanup is made in order to terminate the use of the Windows Sockets APIs. To obtain the computers IP address, we must use GetHostByName in conjunction with GetHostName. Each computer is called a host and we can get the hostname with a special function call: GetHostName. We then use GetHostByName to get the IP-address, related to this hostname. Get IP Delphi.Project.Code Start Delphi and place one Button and two Edit boxes on a newly created Form. Add the GetIPFromHost  function to the implementation part of your unit and assign the following code to the OnClick event handler of a button (below): uses Winsock; function GetIPFromHost(var HostName, IPaddr, WSAErr: string): Boolean; type Name array[0..100] of Char; PName ^Name; var HEnt: pHostEnt; HName: PName; WSAData: TWSAData; i: Integer; begin Result : False; if WSAStartup($0101, WSAData) 0 then begin WSAErr : Winsock is not responding.; Exit; end; IPaddr : ; New(HName); if GetHostName(HName^, SizeOf(Name)) 0 thenbegin HostName : StrPas(HName^); HEnt : GetHostByName(HName^); for i : 0 to HEnt^.h_length - 1 do IPaddr : Concat(IPaddr, IntToStr(Ord(HEnt^.h_addr_list^[i])) .); SetLength(IPaddr, Length(IPaddr) - 1); Result : True; end else begin case WSAGetLastError of WSANOTINITIALISED:WSAErr:WSANotInitialised; WSAENETDOWN :WSAErr:WSAENetDown; WSAEINPROGRESS :WSAErr:WSAEInProgress; end; end; Dispose(HName); WSACleanup; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Host, IP, Err: string; begin if GetIPFromHost(Host, IP, Err) then begin Edit1.Text : Host; Edit2.Text : IP; end else M essageDlg(Err, mtError, [mbOk], 0); end;

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay - 1245 Words

At the heart of a tale about slaying mystical creatures, scorning a goddess, and traveling to fantastical places, lies the narrative of a profound friendship between two men. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient Mesopotamian literary masterpiece, all of its events are centered around the development of the friendship between Gilgamesh, the tyrannical and stubborn king of Uruk, and the man created by the Gods to both complement and challenge his nature: Enkidu. Each of the three dream sequences in the epic represent different stages of Enkidu’s life – one portends his birth, another foretells the actions that will ultimately lead to his demise, and the final predicts his death. In the Epic of Gilgamesh dreams are utilized as a tool to†¦show more content†¦Gilgamesh’s mother, Ninsun, also aptly interprets that Enkidu will be a â€Å"mighty comrade† and become â€Å"[Gilgamesh’s] saviour† ; his mother also states that Enkidu â€Å"ofte n will save [Gilgamesh].† The repetition of the idea of saving suggests that Gilgamesh will be dependent on Enkidu, which is contrary to the nature of Gilgamesh, who often appears as the most powerful and independent character in the epic. This particular language strengthens the subtle foreshadowing that Gilgamesh will undergo a radical change in his outlook on life and death. As such, after Gilgamesh and Enkidu â€Å"kiss each other and form a friendship,† Gilgamesh begins to reform his ways and become a more just ruler. After some time, the two companions decide to journey into the Cedar Forest to slay the divine demon, Humbaba, in order to establish glory and eternal fame. Initially, Enkidu is weary and repeatedly warns Gilgamesh with the use of potent and acerbic words - â€Å"Humbaba, his voice is the Deluge, his speech is fire and his breath is death!† As they travel to the Cedar Forest, Gilgamesh, through dream incubation, has a series of five dreams f illed with violent imagery indicating the consequences of killing Humbaba. However, like the true â€Å"companion† and â€Å"saviour† heShow MoreRelatedGilgamesh And The Epic Of Gilgamesh988 Words   |  4 PagesThe maturation of Gilgamesh and his desire to acquire wisdom throughout his journey is quite apparent. By overcoming difficulties such as upholding Uruk, becoming friends with Enkidu, and various other scenarios, Gilgamesh proves that he did in fact grow up throughout the epic. As the epic starts, Gilgamesh is portrayed as a self-centered, self-admiring leader who believes that he is the only individual that can lead the city of Uruk. Gilgamesh believes that he is a god-like figure and often refersRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh : Gilgamesh1013 Words   |  5 Pages Gilgamesh in 2015 Even though the epic Gilgamesh is thousands of years old, it is still read today. Why would the era of technology read an epic this old? This is because the themes in Gilgamesh are still relevant. In addition, the themes are experiences that Gilgamesh went through in his life period, and serve as lessons for the current readers. Gilgamesh’s themes include journey, legacy, love, and death. These themes make Gilgamesh a vital reading for the 21st century citizens because peopleRead MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh1194 Words   |  5 Pages The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Mesopotamian epic poem loosely based on a real king who ruled sometime around 2700 BCE. The standard version of this epic was written in the Akkadian language. In this epic poem, Gilgamesh is King of Uruk, he is one third mortal and two-thirds god; he is described as a strong, arrogant, and unruly king that does not show much consideration for his actions. Gilgamesh is a very egocentric person; he has no res pect for the feelings of others and does not care about howRead MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh909 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh† is a didactic story set out to expose the inevitability of death. The true meaning of this story is sometimes overlooked because the story is told in heighten language not easily understood. The epic hero in this story is Gilgamesh; he undertakes a quest for knowledge which is overshadowed by his ignorance. The tragic death of Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s trusted companion forces the epic hero to change his perception of death. To overcome great obstacles one must be willing to putRead MoreGilgamesh The Epic Of Gilgamesh877 Words   |  4 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh the lines that are repeated at the beginning and end of the epic show that only immortality a human can gain lies in creating things that last beyond a person’s lifetime. While at the beginning of the epic Gilgamesh is seeking eternal life, when he concl udes his journey he realizes that he has created an enduring legend through the foundation of his city, Uruk. Through this legend, Gilgamesh can live on in the memory of his people, long after he has passed away. The epic is ableRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Gilgamesh1422 Words   |  6 PagesIn the Epic of Gilgamesh there are many notable relationships but the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu is hands down the most noteworthy. When analyzing the relationship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu there are many factors that go into play. It is really the sole foundation of the whole Sumerian epic and it really changes the whole personality of Gilgamesh. In order to get a better understanding of how the two characters complement each other we have to first break down their individual appearancesRead MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh876 Words   |  4 PagesIn The Epic of Gilgamesh a young man meets and befriends a wild man named Enkidu. Enkidu, once a man who lived among animal s, became civilized after having sex with a female. From this point on Gilgamesh and Enkidu’s relationship start, but shortly into the novel Enkidu becomes sick and dies. This is the start to Gilgamesh journey in attempting to avoid death by seeking immortality. In his quest Gilgamesh meets several people all who assign different routes to the next person he should speak to.Read MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh1400 Words   |  6 Pages The Epic of Gilgamesh Introduction The Epic of Gilgamesh is the story about Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk and Enkidu, their friendship, how Enkidu dies, how Gilgamesh mourns the death of his friend and finally he understands enlightened truth . Most of this story is narrated from Gilgamesh’s point of view. The story is set in Mesopotamia and the portrayal of Gilgamesh is ironical. He is described as a king of immense vigor and strength who is not benevolent with his subjectsRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh By Gilgamesh1476 Words   |  6 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh was the earliest surviving written epic that told story of Gilgamesh king of Uruk that was the world first cities that was built along the Tigris and Euphrates River 5,000 years ago. Aruru created the human race, Enkidu and a wild man who roamed the pasture like a gazelle. The epic of Gilgamesh goddesses and scared harlots wild men who cavort in the fields with the gazelles kings who are descended from gods. The Urban Revolution was recognize the elemen ts of our own world byRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Gilgamesh Essay2053 Words   |  9 PagesWhile the women in the Epic of Gilgamesh may not be the primary focus of the epic, which instead recounts more of Gilgamesh’s own trials and travails, they still play quite vital roles in their interactions with both Enkidu and Gilgamesh. Women such as Shamhat, Ninsun, and Ishtar in The Epic of Gilgamesh are often portrayed with a particular emphasis on their intrinsic connections to civilization—and in the case of Shamhat and Ninsun, in terms of their motherly characteristics as well—which serves

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas of an Attorney Free Essays

Ethical Dilemma’s of an Attorney Gina Boldt ADJ 235 March 22, 2013 John Ellison Ethical Dilemma’s of an Attorney The three major ethical dilemmas faced by a defense attorney are client perjury, delivery of physical evidence and the disclosure of prior convictions (Boldt, 2013). They are bound to provide thieir client with courage and devotion (Pollock, 2012, 2010). This dilemma, at times, tries the attorneys personal morals and ethics, though, once again, the protection of the defendant overrules all. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Dilemmas of an Attorney or any similar topic only for you Order Now They must also refrain from taking any case that presents a conflict of interest with said client. Though there are times that plea bargaining is in the best interest of the defendant, this process can be misused as a conveinence, this would be an example of ethical conflict. In order to provide such a fierce and devoted defense, the attorney must not engage is such practices as pergury and corruption to aid a positive outcome for their client. Many of these obligations are quite similar and relate to both a prosecuting and defense attorney, such as confidentiality, attorney-client privelage, the handling of evidence and the responsibility of maintaining the safety of others. The ethical obligations of a prosecuting attorney is to seek truth and justice, However, this singular responsibility insures several ethical burdens. The duties of this position are to indict as many criminals as possible and maintain justice within our system. With this responsibility comes many opportunities to step into the unethical realm of practice in order to secure prosecution. The obligation of this profession, once again, can test an individuals strength and inner morals. The key is to maintian honesty and intergrity and to set aside all personal beliefs, though this may not be the easiest, it is the only way to ensure justice. How to cite Ethical Dilemmas of an Attorney, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Principles of Financial Management Theory and Practice

Question: Discuss about the Principles of Financial Management for Theory and Practice. Answer: Introduction: In the given case, Teal has tried to alter the fixed rate plant-wide overhead system to a department linked overhead system which is a significant improvement to the previous system but still has glaring issues which would not be adequately addressed through this system and is also apparent in the various objections raised by the various department heads. The alternative techniques that could have been employed in the given case are highlighted below. Activity Based Costing - It is an effective technique which is widely used to allocate the overhead costs in a manner which is not based on any of the direct costs. Instead, the overhead costs are related to various activities that are involved in the manufacturing costs which are then broken down into collection of smaller activities with an appropriate cost driver allocated for each of the smaller activities. Once the cost related to each of the small activities is determined, the number of repetitions required for the manufacturing of various product lines typically tends to give a realistic and accurate estimation of the overheads cost associated with a particular product (Bhimani et.al., 2008). This approach makes up for the shortcomings of the volume approach in estimation of overheads costs as there are fixed and variable manufacturing overheads and these need to be accounted for in a different manner which is assured in case of ABC costing. Further, the various overheads costs using ABC would not be linked to the departments but rather to the activities that are being conducted and hence would present a more logical and coherent breakup of the overhead cost which can be used to enhance efficiency through process redesigning or other suitable means (Drury, 2008). One of the precautions that need to be taken with regards to implementation of ABC is that the activities should be sub-divided only to a particular level or else the complexity of the system and the underlying cost tends to overweigh the advantages (Seal, Garrison and Noreen, 2012). Additionally, experienced and skilled manpower should be allocated with regards to appropriately identifying the cost drivers of th e activities and appropriate determine the overheads cost associated with each of the product line (Petty et. al., 2015). Usage of ABC at Evergreen Based on the information provided, it is apparent that the current focus is the LMC division which primarily performs the following functions. HC-13 Lawn Mower Spare part for inventory Work for other divisions For all the above three activities performed by the LMC division, the direct costs and material costs need to be allocated to the respective services considering the individuals tasks required and the underlying cost. This information has already been captured in the case study. The core concern of the ABC costing would be with regards to allocation of the fixed and variable overheads cost which are being departmentally allocated and then being levied on the various functions in the LMC division. In this regard, the appropriate cost driver need to be identified for each of the overhead activities and then based on the number of repetition that is involved in a particular overhead activity, the overheads need to be allocated across the three services which are listed below. The various benefits of allocating overheads cost as per ABC in the LMC division are stated below. It would lead to appropriate pricing of the HC-13 Lawn Mower due to correct allocation of the overhead costs and hence would enhance the competitiveness of the product as it seems that the product is overpriced due to higher burden of overhead costs (Parrino and Kidwell, 2011). The ABC costing would also result in accurate costing of the services provided to other divisions along with the spare inventory. This is pivotal so that these services and spares are not provided to the customers at a loss and appropriate profit margins should be kept. The concerns of the various managers would be addressed as the cost would become more transparent and acceptable to the various managers. Further, this would ensure that the departmental compartmentalisation is avoided to represent cost in a more effective and transparent manner which would improve not only decision making with regards to pricing of products and services but also the overall operational efficiency (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2013). Lean costing methods The lean costing methods in the recent times are gaining popularity as it enables in enhancing the overall efficiency and eliminate the various incremental costs that may not be required (Bhimani et. al., 2008). Unlike the focus of the ABC method, lean costing aims to identify the cost that are not value adding and hence aims to take measures to eliminate the same so that only those costs remain in the value chain which are actually adding some value. This is an advanced concept which is more suitable for new age service based businesses and would not yield much dividend for Evergreen which first needs to make a transition to ABC (Drury, 2008). It is undoubtedly expected that the new system would have resistance from the various stakeholders who are driven by their own vested interests. Some measures to deal with such resistance are highlighted below (Brealey, Myers and Allen, 2008). Consultation with internal stakeholders based on open communication so that the need and necessity of migration to the new costing system can be clearly established. In this regards, reference needs to be on the incremental gains for the company as an identity rather than harping on departmental gains and losses. Appropriate platform must be accorded to the senior managers so as to voice their concerns and the same must be dealt in a transparent but prompt manner. Successful case studies of rivals may also be presented so as to establish the credibility of the new system and the potential shortcomings of the old system. Special focus needs to be given to departments and managers that are likely to be represented under bad light as a result of new systems and assurance must be provided to them with regards to taking appropriate measures for fixing up the issue. Seeking regular feedback from the key stakeholders during the migration process so that their support does not wane away. References Bhimani, A., Horngren, C.T., Datar, S.M. and Foster, G. (2008), Management and Cost Accounting, Harlow: Prentice Hall/Financial Times. Brealey, R., Myers, S. and Allen, F. (2008), Principles of Corporate Finance, New York: McGraw Hill Publications, Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C. (2013). Financial Management: Theory Practice, New York: South-Western College Publications, Drury, C. (2008), Management and Cost Accounting, London: Thomson Learning Parrino, R. and Kidwell, D. (2011), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, London: Wiley Publications Petty, J.W., Titman, S., Keown, A.J., Martin, P., Martin J.D. and Burrow, M. (2015), Financial Management: Principles and Applications, Sydney: Pearson Australia, Seal, W.B., Garrison, R.H. and Noreen, E.W. (2012), Management Accounting, Maidenhead: McGraw -Hill Higher Education.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Analyze How Chinese Women Immigrants History was Linked to American Womens History essays

Analyze How Chinese Women Immigrants' History was Linked to American Womens History essays The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of American history. Specifically it will link Chinese women immigrants' history to American women's history. Chinese women have a particularly difficult history in America, because many of the first Chinese women to immigrate to America were prostitutes imported to serve the many single Chinese men working in the country. Chinese women were effectually banned from immigrating to the country for many years, and most Chinese men left their wives and children behind in China because it was much cheaper for them to live there. The men simply sent money back home to support their families. 1 Chinese women's history parallels American women's history in many ways, but Chinese women have a much shorter history in this country, and most faced many hardships due to their race. Chinese women immigrated to American in exceedingly small numbers until the 20th century. In the mid-1800s, there were 63,000 Chinese in the United States, and nearly all of them were men. They came to this country as laborers, and left their families behind. Most of them fully intended to return to China and reunite with their families, and perhaps half of them did, but many remained in the U.S., mostly on the West Coast, where Chinatowns sprang up in most large west coast cities. 2 In 1882, the U.S. passed an exclusion law, banning almost all Chinese from immigrating to this country, and it made it illegal for Chinese already here to become citizens, too. This kept even more Chinese women in China, and this law lasted until the 1943, and kept the ratio of Chinese men to Chinese women extremely high. One author notes, "By 1890, there were about twenty-seven Chinese men for every Chinese woman. As late as 1930, the ratio was still four to one." 3 During the time of immigration exclusion, thousands of Chinese were smuggled into the country, and many of them were women. Most of ...

Monday, November 25, 2019

English Make My Life Harder Essay Example

English Make My Life Harder Essay Example English Make My Life Harder Essay English Make My Life Harder Essay English Make My Life Harder BY AYtestalFanq20 It is little wonder that so many students, both international and local, choose to study English courses. Proficient and skilled use of the English language can enhance career prospects, allow you to achieve success in business and can open up many opportunities when you choose to study with a credible English school. While there are many good reasons to study English, here we provide an overview of eight of the most important advantages of studying English: 1 : Without question, English is one of the most widely spoken languages. English is used in many parts of the world and is often the language that is common to people who have a first language other than English. #2: When it comes to business and matters of trade, the English language tends to be the common currency. By studying English through a respected English school, you can expect to be able to conduct business transactions, write and respond to documents such as: emails, memos, contracts, agreements and reports and possibly ursue a career in business. 3: Arguably the greatest advantage of studying English is that your career prospects and employment opportunities can vastly increase. People who can speak English fluently (possibly together with a first language) are highly sought after by companies of many types, including international companies. When seeking work, proficiency and confidence in speaking and understanding English can put you at a distinct advantage. 4: With the world becoming so much closer and more connected, opportunities to rave l and explore different parts of the world are more available and, as a result of having studied English, travellers are better able to communicate. In so many parts of the world, English is the common language that is spoken and when you have a command of the English language, travelling and interacting with people of different nationalities can become easier and more enjoyable. #5: In terms of academia, English is the language most commonly spoken by academics worldwide. Of course, some important research and work occurs in all ountries and in a variety of languages, but the vast majority tends to have been conducted, composed and published with the English language as its basis. Academics and scholars that have some knowledge of English frequently find that sharing their ideas and findings with their peers globally is more readily facilitated by their mastery of the English language. #6: Technology is vital and significant in the day and age in which we live. English is very often the language used for many software programs and for those that are seful benefits and knowledge. 7: Australia has many English schools that are renowned for their success in teaching students English and the quality and range of the English courses that they provide. Successful English schools and colleges tend to offer great value for money and support structures to assist students to learn effectively and grow in knowledge, skills and confidence. When you do choose to s tudy English, your education is an investment and it is incredibly important that you derive exceptional value for your money. : English courses are available and specifically tailored for people of varying levels of English proficiency and for those who wish to study English for different purposes. For example, some may want to undertake a very general English course, whereas others may wish to study English in relation to business or for academic purposes. Through the study of English, a range of advantages are available. Quality courses offer candidates the opportunity to improve Job prospects, the capacity to communicate with others and access to information right across the world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

If you came back to earth as someone or something else, who or what Essay

If you came back to earth as someone or something else, who or what would it be - Essay Example The name of Bush in the political grounds of America is not new and almost everyone is aware of his status and name. Bush’s decision making power, motivational speeches, devotion and confidence are some traits which I admire personally. The position he holds in American political arena is yet another positive feature that makes him an ideal for me. I personally believe that he is a good leader with excellent communication skills. His attitude, wisdom and thoughts are all marvelous as they become a part of America’s success. His power and authority are the main factors which influence my thoughts and fascinate me towards his personality. Wealth and riches that surround George W. Bush are yet another fascination for me. I would like to be G. W. Bush as his mind, intelligent thoughts and influencing personality led him to become a successful man. I would like to have a mind and personality like him so I may rule one of the powerful nations in the world. Being G. W. Bush wo uld help me in making some necessary changes which I feel may help the poor or minority groups living in America. Lastly, the fame, reputation and reverence that G. W. Bush holds, is desirable by majority of the American population. I wish to have a name as shining in the world as he has.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio The Calling of Saint Mathew Research Paper

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio The Calling of Saint Mathew - Research Paper Example It is understood that a painting is incomplete without knowledge of its background. Further, interpretations of a painting vary between people and with time and it is the contradictory interpretations in paintings that makes the painting interesting and often lend an element of mystery towards it. The painting discussed in this paper is also not without its special context and interpretations. Discussion The painting, The Calling of Saint Mathews is a masterpiece that was commissioned by the church to be hanged within the Contraelli Chapel located inside the Church of San Luigi Dei Francesi. The chapel was meant to be an ode for Saint Mathews and for this Caravaggio was selected when the first choice of the church, Cavalier D’Arpino became busy with the royal patronage. This was probably the biggest church commission that Caravaggio got at that time. Therefore, he put all this time and energy into the creation of this masterpiece along with two others painting, the Martyrdom o f Saint Matthews and The Inspiration of Saint Mathews. The painting till date hangs with other paintings depicting important moments in the life of Saint Mathews. The painting was completed in 1600. We have to understand that this was a time when the church was in power. It had the money to fund biblical paintings. The Calling of Saint Mathews is a painting representing an important biblical sense. The painting takes reference from Luke 5:27-28, which reads: ‘And after that He went out and noticed a tax collector named Levi sitting in the tax booth, and He said to him, ‘Follow me’. And he left everything behind, and got up and began to follow him’ (Benner, 124) The painting, quite like many produced in the same era, is full of religious symbols. The painting, primarily, symbolizes the difference between Christ and Matthews. In this respect, the picture can be divided into two parts: one part showing Christ and Peter while the other depicting Mathews and his companies. Both these parts are in stark contrast with each other. Christ and Peter represent spirituality. They do so through their simple clothing and the fact they do not wear any shoes. The absence of footwear reflects on the fact that these men are down to earth without any love for material objects. Mathews and his companions reflect the worldly life. This is apparent in the way they dress: fashionably in the attire that was trend during the time period when the painting was created. Also the presence of the coins and the preoccupation of some companions with the coins reflect on the worldly life enjoyed by Mathews and his companies (Benner, 129). Another symbol apparent in the painting is the way the painting has been divided into two parts. Here Caravaggio uses his typical style of chiaroscuro where he paints a stark contrast of light and dark in the painting (Cunningham and Reich, 360). Between Christ and Mathews, Caravaggio has painted a dark area and the hand of Christ e xtending towards the dark spot. The light in the picture comes from the side where Christ is standing. This play of light seems to be intentional on the part of the painter as he depicts Christ as a beacon of hope and light for Mathews while taking him away from a life of materialistic love and wastage. Also the dark spot between the two important figures symbolizes the fact that before Christ, people were left in darkness with no way to reach

Monday, November 18, 2019

The prevention of Obesity in Childhood Term Paper

The prevention of Obesity in Childhood - Term Paper Example Obese children tend to suffer from some symptom of attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD). Childhood obesity is a major worldwide concern especially in the developed countries and now are reaching epidemic proportions (Dehghan et al,2005). The prevalence rate is increasing worldwide and has been growing rapidly in the recent years(Procter , 2007). Therefore, this increase is considered a very critical issue by global public health authorities(Jones et al ,2008: North Ireland centre for diet and health,2001). In US the prevalence of obesity among children increased between year 1973 to 1994 by 11%. While, between 1999 and 2000 obesity increased by just 4%(Dehghan et al,2005).On the other hand 27.6% of American children and adolescents aged 2 through 19 years were overweight or obese between 2003 and 2006(Maryer, 2009). Similarly the UK saw a rise in the rate of childhood obesity from 8% to 20% between the years 1984 to 1993(Dehghan et al,2005). So, childhood obesity has been observed in the developed countries and developing countries as well. Moreover, childhood obesity i s high in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. According to Dehghan et al (2005), one in every six children aged between 6 and 18 years old is obese in Saudi Arabia. Obesity is defined as "an excess of body fat The World Health Organization (WHO) defines "overweight" as a BMI more than 25 or equal , and "obesity" as a BMI more than 30 or equal. The exact reason for obesity is not fully understood and it is believed to be a disorder with multiple causes. For instance environmental factors, lifestyle favorites, and cultural environment play crucial roles. In general obesity is assumed to be the results of an increase in caloric and fat intake. It is known many food favorites responsible for these caloric and fat intakes. Such as excessive sugar intake by soft drinks, increased portion size, fast foods, and steady decline in physical activity have been playing major roles in the rising rates of obesity all around the world. Thus, both over-consumption of calories and reduced physical activity are involved in childhood obesity. Knowing a child's BMI (Body Mass Index) can help you find the kids who are at risk of becoming overweight. 2. Analysis Childhood obesity can be defined as a condition where excessive body fat negatively affected on a children's health and wellbeing. Thus due to the increasingly rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse effects on healthy life, it is being identified as one of the growing and major public health issues in the world. In fact strong evidence on the subject suggests that over the billions of children are overweight and obesity. The evidence clarifies and argues the importance of prevention of childhood obesity. The overall aim of this review is to investigate and examine the effectiveness of varying interventions to prevent childhood obesity in terms of either from healthy lifestyle education, or by combining the effects of both dietary education interventions and physical activity interventions to prevent obesity in childhood. This aim will be achieved through two specific clear targets. The first one is to evaluate the effectiveness of dietary education interventio ns versus control. The second one is intended to assess the action of the combined impact for both of dietary educat

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sustainable tourism and Destination Management in Business

Sustainable tourism and Destination Management in Business The term sustainable is used for a tourism which does not affect or damage the destinations tours economy, environment and the tradition culture. Therefore the prime purpose of sustainable tourism is to do everything they can in order to that tourism remain positive experience of people of tourism destination together with tourist alike. Marcel Proust has write about tourism that there are many people who want to see the entire world with their own pair of eyes but the real journey would be when they will try and see the one single place but with the eyes of hundreds of people. Tourist can make their holidays exciting and enjoyable together with making sure that sustainability requirement of tourist destination by looking for and following diversity and promotion of sustainability when selecting tourism destination. The following are the few basic criteria given by an organization called global sustainable tourism group Demonstrate effective sustainable management Maximize social and economic benefits to the local community and minimize negative impacts. Maximize benefits to cultural heritage and minimize negative impacts. Maximize benefits to the environment and minimize negative impacts The name Disneyland is very well known as being a resort for the holidays and recreational activities. It is located in the Marne-la-Vallà ©e, which is a comparatively a new town can be found with in the eastern suburbs of Paris, France. The exact location of Disneyland is about 20mile or 32 kilometres always from the Paris centre and located in the commune of Chessy, Seine-et-Marne. The Disneyland of Paris, France is made up of two theme parks, seven wonderful cosy comfortable hotels owned by Disney with one retail, dining and entertainment district. Disney land was in operation since the year 1992 and is first Disney resort which is located not inside into the United States. The estimated figures show that the number of visitors to both Disneyland Park and Walt Disney studio part were about 15 million in 2009 and that makes it most visited place in Europe. The key fact relate with how the creation of Disneyland in Paris affect tourism revenue for France. The total visitor who tour France some 4.8% visited Disneyland as part of their trip Disneyland has attracted around 0.2 billion people since its inception. 1/3 of our foreign visitors combine a visit to the Resort and to Paris In 2008, 6.43% of foreign tourist spending in France was generated by foreign visitors at the Resort 5th largest hotel  accommodation capacity in France  (after Paris, Lourdes, Lyon and Nice): over 8,000 hotel rooms and apartments  in vacation residences (5,800 in Disney Hotels) 71% of  all room-nights sold  in the Seine-et-Marne department and 10.11%  for the Ile-de-France region Frances leading integrated business tourism venue: 2 convention centres host 1,000 business events every year in more than 23,500 sqm dedicated to seminars and conventions Disney Village, the leading urban leisure centre in Ile-de-France (after Paris). Sustainability, including identification and actions to correct any areas of un-sustainability. The history of Disneyland from the creation of it shows that this project was result of public and private partnership which leads to creation of one of the leading destination for tourism. Together with Disneyland, a new town with name of Val d Europe. Both projected took almost thirty long years and used a land 1943 hectares. There is an ongoing partnership within the framework of a decision-making triangle, associating the French Government, Euro Disney and local authorities including  the Ile-de-France Regional council, the Seine-et-Marne Departmental Council and the Val dEurope New Town Association (SAN) which encompasses five municipalities (Bailly-Romainvilliers, Chessy, Coupvray, Magny-le-Hongre and Serris). the development of Disney started when Walt Disney company had identified the location for their European resort in Marne-la-Valle which was a relatively newly develop town in France but the company estimate that due to it central location it will attract a market of large number of people because of ease accessibility which is estimate at around 310 million potential visitor. But the government of France want it in lle-de-France due to number of reason such tax revenue, employment etc and most importantly they wanted to sustain environment and therefore during the implementation of this project every possible step is taken in order to not only follow the norms but to protect environment (not only the natural environment but the preservation of demographic characteristic, structure of the building and employment issues etc were also part of it) and therefore make project more sustainable from its very inception. The Disneyland resort project were conducted in the environment where regulation were high and that make this project more sustainable as the most common problem with deregulation is that sustainability issues went into background. This environment of high social regulation is the basic characteristic of french deregulation model as France were not yet ready to follow free market and privatization as way of controlling and monitoring and governing the industries. The company is now in discussion with France government for further development of resort which will ensure the well being of population in that of part of the France together with improving investment in sustaining environment. The company is very well committed to sustainability of its resort and therefore have got very detail plan in order the resort as prime sustainable tourist destination which not only limited to Europe but the whole world and therefore companys approach towards sustainable environment, improving quality of life of its employee and local community in which it operate and especially company promote children and families in particular and make the resort number one choice for every child and environmentally conscious families who are looking for the best but sustainable tourist place. The company is involve in number of project whose main emphasis is on the fulfilment of needs children and families and make special donation and participate in charitable activities related with children and arts. The major factors which make Disneyland resort a renown in name sustainable tourist destination is its commitment towards maintaining a sustainable environment but Disneyland Paris doesnt stop it here but together with involving and donating generously to charities dream world improving lives of thousands of people if not million of people through creation of employment, contribute in economic growth by purchasing local material and products, hire services of local community for various initiatives, with all of these Disneyland Paris contribute in national tax revenue. In order to promote and sustain the development of local community through education and learning as company hire people and provide them necessary training and together with that Disneyland Paris support those employees who improve the local community and has system of Cast Member in place through the company ensure that people got training from company become active citizen of their communities and help those people who desperately need help. Disneyland Paris has created a separate department named as community relations department in order look after the community in which it operates. There is another program which is named as Disney Volunteers program in which company sponsor the voluntary actions of employees. Since its beginning Disneyland Paris has special focus on environmental impact of its activities and taking environmental stewardship is its legacy and company has taken some real steps towards making environmental steward a part of its culture and consideration to environmental impact of its policies and decisions as automatic and embed process and part of the Disneyland culture. How the destination has been and is being managed to achieve sustainability Regarding environmental impact Disneyland Paris has recently publicize its environmental goal which will result in better management of the impact of its activities and decision on environment and will also inspire the visitors to promote sustainability. The basic approach which Disneyland resort has followed in past and will continue to do so in future is based on effective use of and conservation of water, energy and ecosystem together reducing substantially the carbon emission, reducing the waste. Disney land has announce in 2006 that it would increasing its renewable energy as of energy with at least 15% of its total energy requirement will be from renewable source which will have positive on environment . Disneyland has taken solid and concrete step towards implementation of recycle bin across the resort and in that connection since last year 2008, there were twenty new recycle bin were put in place across the Walt Disney Studio park thats another step in right direction by Disneyland, shows that Disneyland resort is fully committed to the sustainability objectives and is taking steps towards reduce its carbon footprint in order to protect environment. Another example of Disneylands solid commitment towards improving the environment and sustain the climate is the use fully certified plastic bags which are made up of 80% of recycle material which is very encouraging step and is protecting and environment climate alike while these plastic bag are truly certified from an independent agency that is recognized for environmental labelling in Europe. Disneyland has collected waste weighted around ten tonnes since 2008, as it is fully committed towards making Disneyland a sustainable tourism destination and environmentally responsible company. Disneyland has one of the effective and efficient strategies towards reducing its energy requirement through effective and efficient use of existing energy resource, one of these strategies is installation of motion detectors across the 139 banglows which can automatically control lighting and therefore will save the energy and reduce the environmental footprints of Disneyland resort. Together with the motion detectors there is water conserving showers as a replacement for bath tubs which are very effective reducing the wastage of water. These bath tubs were installed in combination with tin roof, picture window walls which make sure the natural light comes in. Disneyland but the story is not finish here as Disney land has taken further step towards reducing wastage of water by installing 185 hand dryers which are made up of high technology but the good things is that they take 80 % less energy than traditional hand dryers in order to preserve the climate and reduce energy use while these hand dryers will also reduce the wastage paper towels which is another positive step from Disneyland in order to make it a real sustainable tourism destination. Like any other resort water is very important for Disneyland as it has very crucial role to play in Disneyland magic and experience and thats why is one of the areas of sustainability and environmental protection on which Disneyland has taken concrete steps and make the prime efforts to use water resource as efficiently as possible and Disneyland hope to achieve this through onsite environmental management system operate by control team which ensure the consumption of water reduced and it work by helping the maintenance people to perform effective control over the consumption of water. The Disney company is world wide known for following an aggressive policy to achieve sustainability and as matter of fact company installed a new synthetic skating rink which replace its ice rink and this development will result in efficient usage of water resource together with energy and most importantly it will avoid the ise refrigent fluid which is not environmentally best option. Disland has installed Rockefeller Plaza skating ring which will result in reduction in wastage of water as it will be permanently iceless and therefore that makes it the largest open air rinks in the entire Europe. Disneyland Paris is fully aware of the threat climate change poses and therefore did every possible efforts to reduce its environmental footprints and in consistent with this strategy the Disneyland is considering taking a bold step by introducing a commuter plan which will make sure that car use is minimize as much as possible and will result optimization of travel regarding business, the project is estimate to take five more years. In order to take immediate steps Disneyland has encourage staff on less usage of car by offering them exciting incentives, an example of is availability of scheme which encourage Cast Members towards the usage of public transport instead of personal vehicle by offering them incentive of paying 65% of cost of travel by company. Currently some 28% of total Cast members are availing this opportunity and using public transport therefore saving the carbon emission. Another program implemented by Disneyland is regarding the carpooling which is already launched and Disneyland considering expanding this program, due to effective of this program towards the goal of sustainable environment. This statement is proved through discussing the various plans and strategies Disneyland Paris have taken in above paragraphs. The company has another program with the name of Green which is program design to raise awareness across the globe and through which Disneyland give sufficient powers to its Cast Members in order to make them able to reduce their environmental impact and as result of this program Disneyland has reduce the use of bottled water by around 60% by creation of 335 water fountains backstage, a significant number of (almost over thirteen hundred) cardboard across the resort are recycled and they are replace with cardboard compactors and not only this but there were less usage of paper by an estimated of 8% were also result of this program and by the way the paper used is 100% recycled with duly certified. Conclusion: Disneyland is an environmental responsible and sustainable company which not always adhere to follow minimum requirement but take critical step necessary in order to achieve sustainability across all the boundaries. Disneyland Paris has always show itself as a leader in order to achieve sustainable development and implement sustainable policies and is firmly dedicated to create an internal working environment which safe and sustainable. Disneyland Paris has invested significant resource in developing and implementation effective and efficient training and development program for its Cast Members to make this step a example for other companies to follow in order the a sustainable and environmentally aware society. Disney land support its Cast Member through offering various option together with providing them all the require tool and technique in order make them live a life which is healthier. The number of people applying to become Cast Member in Disneyland shows that the company is putting significant resource in its program and Show Companys commitment towards suitability. Disneyland is truly a sustainable tourist destination with all the policies in place and implemented effectively in order to make it ensure that environment is protected and green house gas emission are reduce and together with other objective Disneyland is fully committed towards improving the lives of its employees and community through taking various initiative.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

declaration :: essays research papers

The Declaration of Independence is perhaps the most masterfully written state paper of Western civilization. As Moses Coit Tyler noted almost a century ago, no assessment of it can be complete without taking into account its extraordinary merits as a work of political prose style. Although many scholars have recognized those merits, there are surprisingly few sustained studies of the stylistic artistry of the Declaration.(1) This essay seeks to illuminate that artistry by probing the discourse microscopically--at the level of the sentence, phrase, word, and syllable. By approaching the Declaration in this way, we can shed light both on its literary qualities and on its rhetorical power as a work designed to convince a "candid world" that the American colonies were justified in seeking to establish themselves as an independent nation.(2) The text of the Declaration can be divided into five sections--the introduction, the preamble, the indictment of George III, the denunciation of the British people, and the conclusion. Because space does not permit us to explicate each section in full detail, we shall select features from each that illustrate the stylistic artistry of the Declaration as a whole.(3) The introduction consists of the first paragraph--a single, lengthy, periodic sentence: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.(4) Taken out of context, this sentence is so general it could be used as the introduction to a declaration by any "oppressed" people. Seen within its original context, however, it is a model of subtlety, nuance, and implication that works on several levels of meaning and allusion to orient readers toward a favorable view of America and to prepare them for the rest of the Declaration. From its magisterial opening phrase, which sets the American Revolution within the whole "course of human events," to its assertion that "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" entitle America to a "separate and equal station among the powers of the earth," to its quest for sanction from "the opinions of mankind," the introduction elevates the quarrel with England from a petty political dispute to a major event in the grand sweep of history.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Financing Polynomials Essay

The assignment that I will be discussing is financial polynomials. The use of financial polynomials is used in the real world all the time. Financial polynomials are really important because it is an easy way for you to figure out how much you need to be able to plan a trip, retirement, or a college fund. Using the formula p (1+r/2) ^ (2) we could compound the interest semiannually. In this assignment I’m going to solve and demonstrate my knowledge of each problem, how and why it is applicable to my everyday life, state if there is another way division could be carried and worked out and incorporate each of the five vocabulary words into my discussion. Before I start my problem using the formula p (1+r/2) ^ (2) I’m going to have to rewrite the formula without the parenthesis. P (1+r/2) ^ (2) Formula (1+ r/2) (1+r/2) Since it is squared you have to write it 2 times 1+r/2+r/2+r^ (2) /4 Using the foil process (1+2r/2 +r2/4)Combining like terms P (1+2r/2+r2/4) Bring the p down it is still in parenthesis P +2/2 pr + r2p/4 Next I’m going to multiply p by each term P+2/2Pr +r2P/4 is rewritten without parenthesis is not in descending order P=200 and r=10%/100 =. 1 200+2(. 1) (200)/2 + (. 1) ^ (2) (200)/4 I plugged in 200 for P and . 1 for r. I solved the equation and got = $220. 50 Dividend Next I’m going to do the same thing for P=5670 and r=3. 5% 5670+2 (. 035) (5670)/2 + (. 035) ^ (2) (5670)/4 I plugged in 5670 for P and . 035 for r and I solved the equation. = $5870. 18 Dividend Using this formula could be very important in my everyday life If I wanted to put money to the side to plan a trip or a college fund. I would know exactly how much money I would need to put to the side to do so. (-9x^3 +3x^2-15x) / (-3x) Next I’m going to divide -3x by each term -9x^3/-3x 3x^2/-3x -15x/-3x -3 is the Divisor -9x^3/-3x =3x^2 3x^2/-3x = cancels out and becomes a –1 or –x -15x/-3x=5x 3x^2-x+5x I do not know of another way that division could be approached and worked out. In conclusion, I stated why financial polynomials are very important in my everyday life. I demonstrated my knowledge and solved each problem. I stated that I did not know of another way that division could be approached and worked out. I incorporated each of the five vocabulary words into the discussion.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Silas Marner Essays

Silas Marner Essays Silas Marner Essay Silas Marner Essay Essay Topic: Literature The novel Silas Marner is a story of old fashioned village life in a remote place called Raveloe, showing how the community responds to the old weaver, Silas Marner, who was once a respected member of a narrower evangelical congregation. The story, set in Raveloe in 1805, was written by Mary Ann (Marian) Evans under her pen name George Eliot. The tale soon flashes back to events that took place before 1805, to the late 18th century, and reflects times past, even for the readers of George Eliots time. The author uses an omniscient narrator, but her own preaching judgements and summaries can often be seen coming through as can some of William Wordsworths ideas and views on the value of what can be learned from the natural world and the innocence of childhood. This preaching demonstrates many of her own opinions, formed largely through her own experience of the religious outlook of the evangelical churches that sprung up in larger towns and cities and to which she had briefly belonged. William Wordsworth ideas, of the importance of childrens influences on adults rather than the adults influence on children, shine through as we read, for example: . . . for the little child had come to link him once more with the whole world. These words suggest that Eppie has brought Silas back to life (having lost everything at Lantern Yard, when he was framed for stealing and for a second time when his gold was stolen.) She opens him up and introduces him into the community of Raveloe. Her true fathers rejection of her has the opposite effect. He ends up in a childless marriage and only then does he want her back. But he is too late 16 years too late. If Silas story had never intersected with another characters, that of Godfrey Cass, then Godfrey would have carried on living a lie and we would never have been shown the different views of each character about what a fathers duty is, and which is wrong and which is right. It is this crossing of stories that exposes Godfreys dark secret and provides us with obvious similarities of circumstances, though each has a different background, and quite obvious differences of character. The differences of character allow us to examine moral problems in their social context, which is one of Eliots great interests she always wrote with moral purpose. Through her narrative, George Eliot creates a sympathetic background for Silas Marner in the opening two chapters so that we like him more even though he totally excludes himself from the community. Lack of detailed background information for Godfrey has the opposite effect. The setting plays a part in evoking this sympathy Raveloe is an isolated and old-fashioned community where newcomers are not welcome: And Raveloe was a village where many of the old echoes lingered, undrowned by new voices. (Pg. 11.) This suggests that old echoes or old fashioned ways still remain in the village and new people cannot change them. The secluded village also escapes the effects of industrialisation. The country folk are described as mostly not clever and we find out that anyone with a skill in handicraft or anyone who is clever is an object of suspicion because the people of Raveloe are so simple-minded they fear the unknown and dont want to venture into it. Emigrants from other towns were to the last regarded as aliens by their fellow neighbours, as was Silas (even after 15 years of living there.) Silas knowledge of herbs and his suffering of cataleptic fits also adds to the villagers suspicion (being so narrow-minded they couldnt accept anything different to their backward way of life.) Using flashback the author creates sympathy for Marner, providing detail of how he was betrayed by his best friend William Dane who framed him for theft whilst he was in one of his fits. Of course this elicts sympathy as his best friend betrayed him in a community where he was well respected and was of a high status. After the drawing of the lots (which wrongly pointed to his guilt,) he was forced out of his hometown and lost everything his friends, his respect, his status, his home, his faith in God and his fiance (who married William.) This technique tends to make us like Silas more and Godfrey less so that when he ends up in deep regret over Eppie we feel he deserves it. During Silas solitude in Raveloe, his money builds up and Marner drew less and less for his own wants. His money was not there to spend any more, but to be his only companions in the lonely life he now lived. when his work was done, that he drew them out to enjoy their companionship. He didnt want to spend them because they were something to live for more money. His days became repetitive working for more guineas, never to be spent. In relation to this, Marners life is compared to that of an insect meaningless, not cared about by anyone, a nobody. all these immediate promptings helped to reduce his life to the unquesting activity of a spinning insect. The quote also refers to the repetitiveness of his weaving and gives a visualisation of his life being small (insect size.) Eliot, however, decides not to create sympathy like this for Godfrey. She does not describe Godfreys past how he grew up without a mother. This has a different effect on the reader : we dont like him and we dont feel sorry for him either. We also wrongly assume that because he is rich, he has everything he wants and is simply being ungrateful and selfish. This contributes to us feeling that Godfrey deserves the childless marriage he ends up with and that Silas Marner deserves to keep Eppie when Godfrey comes to take her back 16 years after he deserted her. This leaves Godfrey regretting what he has done and leaves Silas never happier, with his daughter, Eppie. The habits of the squirearchy are described as a feverish way of annulling vacancy, which could be compared to Silas Marners weaving because this habit is also repetitive and is also a way of hiding from the emptiness of his lone life. In absence of all Silas used to have (faith, friends, an important position in the community,) Silas moves to an isolated village named Raveloe and retreats to anull vacancy in a way that we can understand. Although there is a parallel between the squirearchys habits (gambling) and Silas weaving, Silas weaving is fair, hard work for money, whereas Godfreys gambling is frowned upon. George Eliot makes us feel sorry for Silas but not Godfrey. She does this through flashing back to Silas background and how he lost everything at Lantern Yard that fateful day. She does not do this for Godfrey though. At first, Godfrey Cass seems to be a good, open man but thanks to the narrator we find out that he does, in fact, have a dark secret he is already a husband and a father. But in chapter 3 Godfrey is said to be the eldest, a fine, open-faced, good natured, young man (Pg. 33.) This isnt true. It is ironic because he certainly isnt open-faced because he already has a secret wife and child he has deserted. In this respect he is even worse than his brother, Dunstan, although in most other ways he is much more respectable. At least he isnt proud of what he does like Dunstan, who takes pride in gambling and dealing. Godfrey does regret and is sorry for the mistakes he has made. He is, however, weak as a person. The villagers like him because he keeps his secret so they dont even know what kind of person he is. They described Dunsey though, as a spiteful, jeering fellow, who seemed to enjoy the drink the more when other people went dry Dunstan got Godfrey into this mess about selling Wildf ire by stealing the  £100.00 in return for his silence. In Godfreys attempt to find  £100 rather than tell people about his marriage, he entrustes his horse Wildfire to Dunstan to sell, however, Dunstan takes the horse and decides to race it before selling it. It jumps badly over a fence and is staked. So Dunstan leaves the horse lying in its blood, and chooses to go by Silas Marners cottage to persuade him to lend the money. When he arrives, the door is open and Silas has gone out. Dunstan, seeing the give away fingerprints in the sand, sweeps it across and opens the trapdoor, beneath which he finds all Silas savings. He takes it and leaves into the fog and darkness. This is the second time that Silas has lost everything but this time it is different because it is the first time Silas seeks help from the village and the people. As the loss of the gold gradually becomes less topical in Raveloe, Christmas approaches. Christmas in the weavers cottage is very different to the Christmas at the Red House. He spends it in loneliness, eating his meat in sadness of heart The evening is described as lifelong and Silas spent it pressing his head between his hands and moaning. He was very unhappy and very lonely. Christmas at the Red House was very different: there was a buzz of voices The people there were much happier and far from alone, like Silas. This contrasts with how unhappy Silas was, even at the happiest time of year, but all this changes when Eppie arrives; Eppie warmed him into joy because she had joy. The annual New Years ball at the Red House was also very well prepared there was hardly a bedroom in the house where feminine compliments werent passing, as ladies from far and wide arrived and made themselves ready for the grand event. The enormous gap between the two lifestyles is shown here. But while the Squire continues to make comments about marriage and roses blooming this winter who else is on her way to the ball? Godfreys wife, and she has his child with her. She is planning to expose him. However, the journey has been long and cold and she craves the last phial of opium she is carrying. Unable to resist her addiction, she swallows it and lies down to rest in the snow, oblivious of the danger. She freezes, so she wasnt able to confront Godfrey in front of Nancy or anyone else. The child in her arms crawls towards the only light visible and enters Silas cottage. At this time Silas had been staring dreamily out of his front door wandering if his money could ever return when his catalepsy took over. He did not notice the little girl go right past him into the warm. When his sensibility returns he continues his action of shutting the door and turned to the hearth. His blurred vision told him that his gold was right there on the floor! He reached forward to feel the familiar hard outline of the gold but instead, he felt soft warm curls. It was a sleeping child. These curls felt better than coins because they were indeed, part of a better treasure. Silas got all the pleasure from bringing Eppie up, Godfrey got all the regret. This was because Silas knew the real duty of a father. Godfrey thought proving materially was enough. This is the moral in this book a fathers duty is more than making sure your child has money. Eppie proves this to us when she rejects the offer to go and live with him just because he could provide better for her. She made this decision to stay with Silas alone, despite his telling her to choose as she wished. Deep down though, Silas was desperate to keep her, he loved her so much. He was the one whod been there for her all of her life. Godfrey only wanted her because he knew now he couldnt have his own child with Nancy. Godfrey and Silas do have similarities; their own ways of nulling vacancy is one, but they also have very important differences: particularly their different ideas of fatherhood. It turns out Silas is right and Godfreys rejection of his child brings him only deep regret, which Eliots creation of sympathy for Silas and not Godfrey, makes us feel he deserved.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Commemorative speech on Michael Jackson Essays

Commemorative speech on Michael Jackson Essays Commemorative speech on Michael Jackson Paper Commemorative speech on Michael Jackson Paper Essay Topic: A Hunger Artist The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin My Favorite idol SPECIAL PERSON, ONE OF THE GREATEST CONTRIBUTOR TO AMERICAN POP MUSIC INDUSTRY. INFLUENCED BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE WITH HIS MANY SELF-COMPOSED SONGS AND DANCE MOVES FAMOUSLY KNOWN TO HAVE CHANGED HIS SKIN COLOUR WON TOTAL OF 13 GRAMMY AWARDS (8 IN ONE NIGHT DURING THE 1984 GRAMMY AWARD CEREMONY WHICH EARNED HIM AN ENTRY IN THE GUISNESS WORLD RECORD ) A CONTROVERSIAL FIGURE. BUT LET’S JUST FOCUS ON HIS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIS HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS. MAKE A GUESS? 1. As a musician remarkable vocalist ACHIEVEMENTS   STARTED OFF AS A LEADING VOCALIST IN JACKSON 5 AT THE AGE OF 5. (REMARKABLE RANGE EMOTION) AT 13, LAUNCHED OFF AS A SOLOIST WHILE CONTINUE TO BE MEMBER OF JACKSON 5. BY 20, HIS INCREASED FAME AND ESTABLISHMENT AS A RISING STAR ALSO HELP HIS BAND â€Å"THE JACKSONS† TO SELL MORE THAN A MILLION COPY FOR THEIR ALBUM â€Å"TRIUMPH† IN 1980. ONE OF HIS GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IN HIS MUSIC CAREER WAS THE SONG â€Å"TRILLER†, WHICH STAYED ON THE CHART FOR 80 WEEKS AND NO. 1 SPOTS FOR 37 WEEKS, IN WHICH HE WAS LABELLED â€Å"KING OF POP† FOR HIS WIDE INFLUENCES AND LEGACY IN THE POP MUSIC WORLD. VOCALIST AND MUSIC STYLES FROM A SOPRANO-TURNED TENOR, HIS VOICE RANGE REMAINED HUGE FROM F2, AND TO THE EFLAT KEY ONE OCTAVE ABOVE THE MIDDLE C. USED THE TECHNIQUE OF â€Å"VOCAL HICCUP† – LIKE GASPING FOR AIR (UNQIUE METHOD) HIGHER TENOR RANGE COULD EASILY SLIDE INTO THE FALSETTO RANGE BETWEEN DIFFERENT GENRES OF SONGS, HE USES DIFFERENT FORM OF EXPRESSIONS WISELY (E. G. FAMOUS HEAL THE WORLD AND BILLIE JEANS, YOU COULD HEAR DIFFERENT STYLES. IN BILLIE JEANS HE WAS HEARD SCREAMING AND USING THE VOCAL HICCUP METHOD MORE THAN IN HEAL THE WORLD WITH HIS PRODUCED A MORE ROUND AND  THICK AND MELANCHOLIC VOICE). GOOD RENDITION CONVEYS HIS IDEAS AND FEELINGS THROUGH HIS COMPOSITIONS (FOR EXAMPLE, EARTH SONG DEALT WITH ENVIRONMENTAL AND ANIMAL WELFARE) (FOR EXAMPLE, HEAL THE WORLD TALKS ABOUT NEED TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF CHILDREN) (FOR EXAMPLE, BILLIE JEANS WAS WRITTEN IN DENIAL OF HIS FATHERHOOD OF A CHILD BY A LADY WHOM SHE MET) 2. As a dancer CONCURRENT WITH HIS SINGING CAREER, MICHAEL ALSO TRADEMARKED SOME HIS UNIQUE DANCE MOVES ACCOMPANIED BY SOME OF HIS SONGS LIKE â€Å"BILLIE JEANS† AND â€Å"GHOSTS†. THOUGH I AM NOT A DANCER, I AM ABSOLUTELY AWED BY HIS  DANCE MOVES SUCH AS THE MOONWALK, CIRCLE SLIDE, THE PELVIC THRUST AND THE SPIN, ALL OF WHICH SERVES AS A TRADEMARK ICON TO HIM. NO DOUBT, MANY DANCERS ALL OVER THE WORLD HAD BEEN GREATLY INSPIRED BY MICHAEL AS WITH THE MANY SINGERS AND MUSICIANS. E. G. MOONWALK, CIRCLE SLIDE, PELVIC THRUST, THE SPIN 3. As a Humanitarian NO DOUBT AS A WELL ACCOMPLISHED ENTERTAINER, HOWEVER, MICHAEL’S EFFORT AS A HUMANITARIAN SEEMS TO BE RELATIVELY UNKNOWN TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. HIS CONTRIBUTION AND EFFORTS IN SUPPORTING GOOD CAUSES EARNED HIM GUISNESS  WORLD RECORD FOR THE MOST CHARITY SUPPORTED BY A POP SINGER. SOME OF THESE EFFORTS INCLUDE Setting up the ‘Heal the World’ Foundation which aims at providing medicine for children and fighting world hunger, drug and alcohol abuse, and child abuse Michael supported the efforts of the NAACP, to fight prejudice against black artists. Raised $3. 3 million dollars during ‘Michael Jackson and Friends’ concerts in Korea and Germany for the humanitarian agencies ‘UNESCO’, ‘Nelson Mandelas Childrens Fund’ and the ‘International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’. Conclusion DESPITE HIS DEATH SOME 5 YEARS AGO, MICHAEL CONTINUES TO INSPIRE ME AND MANY OTHER PEOPLE WITH HIS MUSIC LEGACY AND HIS HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS THROUGH HIS PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY â€Å"MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE, FOR YOU AND FOR ME AND THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE† View as multi-pages TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Billie Jean, Disco, Human voice, Michael Jackson, Pop music, Singing, The Jackson 5, Vocal range RELATED DOCUMENTS Michael Jackson Michael Jackson: Man In The Mirror Michael Jackson is arguably the most well know celebrity figure in the world today. Michael Joseph Jackson was born in August 1958, in Gary, Indiana. Jackson has spent almost his entire life as a public performer. He was a member of the Jackson Five at the age of four, soon becoming the groups lead vocalist and front man. Onstage, he modeled 623 Words | 4 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Informative Speech on Michael Jackson Informative Speech Purpose: To inform or educate the audience about a topic of your choice. Time: 4-6 minutes Topic: Choose a topic that interests you and would probably interest your audience (the class). Consider what your audience already knows about this topic and what their attitude about this topic will be. Do not inform us of something we already know tons about. You may not choose something that could be done as a demonstration speech. 623 Words | 18 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Michael Jackson Maya Kirk Ms. Bork Sophomore English 17 April 2013 Michael Jackson, a man of many talents, had 13 #1 singles, 17 Grammy Awards, and sold over 1 billion albums across the globe since his solo debut in 1972. Michael had a big effect on the world. He influenced many people through his music. His dance moves created a new and innovative way for people to express themselves. His videos were a whole new experience for most people in the music industry. 623 Words | 4 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Commemorative Speech ? Said Sidiqi Comm 2200 Professor Butler Commemorative Speech – Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing†. He was a man certainly worthy of praise as he did both. He lived those words by writing and doing as much as he could. He wrote volumes and volumes of papers, almanacs, journals, and even an autobiography that proved to be 623 Words | 2 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Michael Jackson who inbraced the goodness of children and humanitarian work. He was the King of Pop. He was Michael Joseph Jackson. Born on the 29th of August 1958, in Gary, Indiana, Chicago, Michael was the eighth of ten children to an African-American family. He attended Montclair college prep, his elementary, where he gained interest in music. Michael had a troubled relationship with his father. In an interview Michael admitted that 623 Words | 3 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Michael Jackson Michael Jackson, referred to as the â€Å"King of Pop†, was an American recording artist, singer-songwriter, dancer, and musician. He has been acknowledged as the most successful entertainer of all time. His contribution to music, dance and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades. Through stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of dance 623 Words | 3 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Michael Jackson Composition 1001 Monday June 10, 2014 Michael Jackson â€Å"Thrills† the World in 1982 T. S. Eliot stated, â€Å"only those who will risk going too far, can possibly find out how far they can go,† (Crum). That is exactly what Michael Jackson did in the year I was born, 1982. Jackson was born as the seventh child to an African-American family in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958. He went on to debut on the professional music 623 Words

Monday, November 4, 2019

Accounting and Finance for Managers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Accounting and Finance for Managers - Assignment Example their was no empirical evidence to indicate that ABC eliminated unnecessary overhead costs and improved the profitability of companies post-implementation (Shim & Stagliano, 1997; Foster & Swenson, 1997; Chenhall & Langfield-Smith, 1998). During the last century, accurately accounting for overhead costs posed a major challenge for management accountants. Conventional allocation methods tended to distort product costs and Activity-Based Costing emerged as a realistic alternative to address this problem. This paper provides a brief overview of the origins of ABC and explores the theoretical foundation of ABC as a management and cost control system. The paper then discusses the major strengths and limitations of the ABC model and provides a practical example of how ABC has been fully integrated into the strategic management systems of a successful manufacturing company in Qatar. Activity-based Costing has gone through three distinct phases in its development. Each phase has its origins in one of the following theoretical constructs; the Japanese management movement, the total quality management and continuous improvement framework and Six Sigma modelling. The application of these theoretical models to the development of ABC is discussed below. Activity-Based Costing began to draw the attention of European and American companies in the early 1980s. Firms in the manufacturing and technology sectors in Japan were gaining global pre-eminence with respect to their product quality and significant profit margins while competitors in the West struggled to contain costs and to develop innovative manufacturing processes. Turney (2005), notes that companies such as Toyota and Sony were heralded as global leaders and as a result, their internal organizational processes were analyzed in minute detail and replicated by their competitors in the West. It soon became apparent that the traditional accounting methodology of allocating overhead costs uniformly across the various

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Experience about film or video related art field Essay

Experience about film or video related art field - Essay Example On Saturday and Sunday, the timing for visit to DIA starts at 10am in the morning and continues till 5 pm in the evening. On Wednesday and Thursday, one can visit DIA between 10 am and 4 pm. Friday happens to be the longest day in which the visit to DIA can be made. On Friday, visitors can make a trip to DIA from 10am till 10 pm. I also visited the Museum on Friday so that I would have maximum time inside it. DIA’s collection of art is very vast. It has compiled art work from all over the world. This makes it extremely diverse in its collection. Number of artworks presently contained in DIA exceeds 60000 which came from different parts of the world. Among all forms of art, the two that I liked the most were the classic work and the cutting edge work. The perceptions of the visitors about art are enriched through a visit to the Museum. DIA has developed partnership with quite a lot of hotels in its vicinity so that the visitors can be fully facilitated in every way and the visi t can be made as enjoyable as possible. There are superb gadgets and accessories in the Museum Shop at DIA. Visitors can see few extremely nice and unique accessories in this shop, many of which are not easy to find elsewhere in the world. I found a wonderful clock in the Museum Shop at DIA, and could not help purchasing it. It cost me $90. Unfortunately I did not have membership with the Shop.